# Example

In markdown paragraphs are seperated by a blank line.

Without an empty
line, a block of
words will be rendered
as paragraph.

Individual words or sentences can be emphasized as `monospace`, **bold**, _italic_
or **_bold and italic_**. Or go wild and ==mark== or ~~strike out~~ words.

An Otter Wiki stores all pages in UTF-8 in a git repository. With UTF-8 you get emojis
like 🥳 and 🎆, that all modern browsers can display.

Some example for links in the middle of a paragraph.
[A link to the otterwiki github project](https://github.com/redimp/otterwiki),
followed by an auto linked url to http://example.com, followed by a mail address
<mailto:mail@example.com>. Commonly used are links inside the wiki, e.g. one pointing [[Home]].

## Tables

A table with some formatting and an emoji.

| Alpha    | Bravo             | Charlie  |
|:-------- |:-----------------:| --------:|
| `D`elta  | Echo              | Foxtrott |
| Golf     | **Hotel**         | India    |
| Juliett  | Kilo              | _Lima_   |
| ~~Mike~~ | November          | Oscar    |
| Papa     | Quebec            | Romeo    |
| Sierra   | Tango             | Uniform  |
| Victor   | [Whisky](#tables) | X-Ray    |
| Yankee   | Zulu              | 🦦       |

## Code blocks

Markdown is often used for documentation, so it's not a
surprise that it should be excellent in displaying code and configurations.
For example a minimal `docker-compose.yaml` for running An Otter Wiki:

version: '3'
    image: redimp/otterwiki:2.0
    - 8080:80

This and many other examples for syntax highlighting can be found in the
[Syntax Highlighting Examples](https://otterwiki.com/Examples/Syntax%20Highlighting).

## List examples

Itemized lists look like

* this one
* with three
* items.

A numbered list

1. first item
2. second item
3. third item

And a task list

- [ ] a unchecked item
- [x] and **bold** checked item

*The task list can only be mofied by editing it, not by clicking the checkboxes while viewing it.*

## Math or LaTeX

If you want to share math formulas in your wiki, [MathJax](https://www.mathjax.org/) comes
to the rescue. For example:

When `$a \ne 0$`, there are two solutions to `$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$` and they are
x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.

Since you read until here, you may want to check an example with [All Syntax Features](https://otterwiki.com/Examples/All%20Syntax%20Features)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9